Are you a collection agency?
No, we provide payment automation and we believe you can proactively collect your receivables. Though collection agencies provide a valuable tool to assist in past due accounts, we recognize the need to handle receivables in a delicate manner while preserving the relationship with both parties.
What am I going to say to my agents?
That is going to depend on several factors, let’s discuss how to roll out your new program with a customized message that speaks directly to your business.
One approach is:
In an effort to create a stronger business model, you are taking a proactive approach at managing fees by implementing an automated system that will make the payment process seamless and easy for agents and the brokerage. This is designed to free up your time to work to take a more active role with each agent and help them create the business they have dreamed of.
I’m already collecting, why should I consider using your company?
You are among the elite, though whether you are currently collecting or not, our system will free up the time spent depositing, tallying and other back office functions, which still occupy your time or the time of your team. Valuable time you would much rather spend on recruiting, training or developing new strategies to approach this ever-changing business.
I already have a system
We find that many of our customers view our system of collecting receivables as a solid addition to their existing systems. We will be happy to discuss with you how we can compliment your current structure.
I’m already getting low credit card rates
As a benefit to our customers we offer payment processing. We have the ability to match, and in most cases, we are able to provide our customers with a much more competitive rate and our customer service is unparalleled.
I can do this same thing myself
We know every one of our customers is capable of doing this whole process in house. The value we bring you is the automation, reduced processing rates and time savings. Your time is far more valuable spent teaching your team how to prospect, sell and close contracts. Every business owner must choose where to spend their time and where the most value can be generated. There is a delicate balance between what we are capable of and where it is best to spend our time and resources. Let us help you save time and create value in your brokerage.
I don't have time to introduce this to my agents
Often we find ourselves addressing only the most important of issues in our businesses - who has time for anything else? We will step you through the entire process, help along the way and make sure the integration is seamless and professional.
I want to see results first
Given that every brokerage is different, it is difficult to compare one against the other in a true apples to apples comparison. We would like to show you how your numbers and implementation would affect your brokerage’s bottom line.
This isn't a good time to introduce something new
The ease of implementation we provide makes this decision much easier. The transition is seamless and we provide a concrete list of steps to guide you through the implementation before you make the announcement. Want our help with creating the message, we can do that too. There is an old saying, "The two best times to plant an oak tree are twenty years ago and right now!"
Why should I use your company to do this?
We care, bottom line, and our success is tied directly to your success. We want to see you successfully collecting your receivables each month. Customer Service is a mission critical function at Real Estate Management Outsource, and we are committed to helping you run a more successful business.